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The SpokenVizions Artist Directory

PRICING FOR ADS in the SpokenVizions Artist Directory

SpokenVizions Artist Directory AD Prices

 One line ad - Includes your name or business, type of artist or business, web site and one contact (phone number or e-mail).
One line ad Plus - Includes your name or business, type of artist or business, web site and two contact, and a photo or logo.  
Ad with Photo and Logo - Includes photo and logo, name of artist or company, type of artist or business, short bio, web site, phone number and e-mail address.
Banner Ad - Artist Name or company, type of artist or company, picture and/or logo, web site, e-mail, phone number.  Banner will be the width of the page.
Half Page - Name of artist or company, type of artist, or company, one Photo and/or Logo, Web site, short bio, telephone number, e-mail address.
Full Page -  Name of artist or company, type of artist, or company, two photos and logo, long bio, web site, phone number, e-mail address, plus a slogan or quote. 




All art work and text should be sent to info@spokenvizions.com.  The dimensions of the artist directory is 7 1/2 x 9.


Over the years, we at SpokenVizions Entertainment Group, LLC, have received countless requests from organizations, in different regions of the country, inquiring about artists in their own areas or near by locations.  We would recommend an artist that we knew had the credentials, in hopes that they would get hired for the performance or speaking engagement.  

This sparked an idea.  Wouldn’t it be a great concept for Universities, Colleges, Special Organizations, and venues to have a reference book or some type of resource material, that they could review to possibly book a poet, singer, a band, or even look for venues in the area, or to check out an internet radio show.  Well, look no further because the SpokenVizions Artist Directory is here.

With the SpokenVizions Artist Directory, it would allow all artists, venues and entertainment promoters, the opportunity to advertise yourself in this publication for as little as $15 and no more than $60, and we would do the rest by sending out the directory to organizations around the USA.  You can have a liner note with your name, contact information and web site, or you can have a full page with the same information, plus your photos and bio.  

The directory will be a portable document file (PDF), so when a potential client sees an artist that they are intrigued about, they can simple click on the link, or web site, right within the PDF. Plus, this will be an excellent way for you to be promoted yearly... by someone else.  

If you are interested in promoting yourself through this publication, please e-mail Jacquette Boykin at jacquette@spokenvizions.com for more information.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.


Floyd Boykin Jr.
CEO/ SpokenVizions
Entertainment Group, LLC